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Competition and support!

Since my last update, Sammy and I had an outstanding show at AWCDF III. In large classes we tied for 6th in the Prix St George and came 4th (behind two Olympians!) in the Intermediate 1, with 5 judges scoring us over 70%! Go Sammy! Our next competition is this weekend at Burbank, where Sammy will do the CDI small tour and Ruffles gets to come out and shake off the dust in her first outing since September. She will do 3rd level tests 1 and 2.

In other news, I am so excited that Myristol has sponsored me! You can read my facebook post about my love for their products HERE. I am such a huge fan and truly believe in their products. Along this journey, every little bit of support is appreciated, especially when it's something that I know makes my horses feel better! Thank you Myristol!

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